Historic School House Summer Library

About Deering Public Library

The petition to the Senate and House of Representatives in Portsmouth to incorporate a library in Deering was granted on 6 December 1797.

"To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives in general Court at Portsmouth November 1797 Humbly sheweth [sic], That Robert Alcock Thomas Merrill Thomas Aiken William Forsaith James Sherrier and others their Associates Inhabitants of Deering have purchased a number of Books, for the purpose of a social Library in said Town, but finding it necessary to be Incorporated, in order to realize the advantages thereby Intended, by purchasing books in common, your petitioners therefore pray that they may be Incorporated with such priviledges [sic] as are usually granted in such cases, and they as in duty bound will ever pray
Robert Alcock for himself and Associates"

The Deering Library's Mission is to create a vibrant community center that inspires curiosity, personal growth and opportunities for life-long learning.

To view our policies, agendas and the minutes of trustee meetings please visit the library, or use the link to the Town of Deering website.

Deering Public Library is located in Southwest New Hampshire's glorious Monadnock Region. Deering is a quintessential New England town with a white clapboard church, a town hall at its center and a population of approximately 1800 people. The library is located year round on the second floor of the town hall. Our seasonal school house library is open during the summer.



The trustees of the Deering Public Library  have set out the first of a planned several Little Libraries in Town Hall.

As you enter Town Hall and look to the left you will see a book cart with books on it. Take one of those books.

This is the first of the 'Little Libraries' that the trustees plan to distribute around Deering. Each Little Library will be stocked with magazines and (more or less) recent - - if not exactly 'new' - - fiction for adults and children.

We hope that you will read the books. Return them or not. It's ok. These are  books from your library shelves that are a bit past their prime. Don't get me wrong, these books imminently readable, though they might be ten or more years old. 

You can return the book to the little box, or keep it, or pass it along. It's all good. 

If you want to leave a book, we only request that it be in good condition and  - - -  please do not simply unload your unused books at the little box. If you have books you'd like to donate to the Little Library program, please contact me. DO NOT LEAVE ANY BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY/COMMITTEE ROOM IN TOWN HALL. 

We hope to construct new Little Libraries over the summer. We'll let you know as we put them out.